Friday, May 24, 2013

Updating and back on track!

   Alrighty so yesterday I did not get to get on here. It was CHAOS. I had an orientation that lasted until 3pm and then we ran errands and worked outside and then sat by the fire until 10pm. Before I knew it the day was over and I had not updated. So I figure I had better get things update now.

   So yesterday, I went to the orientation where they decided to feed us. They had pizza and salad of which I only ate the toppings off of one pizza and half the salad. I was VERY proud of myself for this accomplishment. Though I came home and was stupid and had a few chips... I paid for that and was good the rest of the night. After being dumb I got back on track and just had salad for dinner with 2 bites of steak.

   Today I haven't really eaten. I drank some coffee and protein but have stayed away from a real meal after my stuckiness yesterday. Though I did have 1 bit of breakfast burrito innerds but that was it for solid food. I will have a pudding soon and a salad with chicken for dinner.

   On other news..... I have a job interview Thursday, I believe I posted about this interview already but it changed to next thursday because of the orientations yesterday, I was amazed to actually get a different interview date. On top of the interview I found out with my daddy being a 100% disabled vet I can go back to college. I say go back because I have a certificate in Special Educations Assistant teacher. I am going to go back for a diploma of Cosmetology. I am super excited. Have to job possibilities under my belt.

   Well now I am headed out to go shopping. Talk to y'all later....

Recipe of the day is spicy corn bread

1 corn bread packet (add ingredients as directed)
2 tbsp pace pacante sauce
2 tbsp cheese

mix all together and bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Serve with honey butter and enjoy

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